Monday, April 4, 2011

Sprouting some love. . .

or at least trying to! So I like Jesus, like everything he stands for and would love to be able to love the world like he did in his day! I struggle with talking about Jesus and walking like Jesus. . . I really don't talk loudly about my faith, I'd rather be busy doing my faith walk. . .I don't know if that is a good or bad thing, it just is. . .My wonderful DH is a pastor and we are very involved in the doings of the church, church life, trying to make the world a better place for those who are in it and for those who have a difficult time in it, advocating for those who don't know how to advocate or just plain can't. I see so many blogs and websites that are so out there. . . in their faith walk and am envious (sometimes). . .I'm often times afraid to "go ahead" with something, or "put myself out there". . . I believe that my DH and I were called to adopt the girls and that is part of our witness in the world and a great leap/walk/jump in our faith journey. . . I love my girls and I see Jesus in them everyday, (even when I'm cranky). . .

On Ash Wednesday, the Pastor, my DH, asked the gathered crowd sitting in the pews to write all the things that hold me (us) back from being what God wants me (us) to be. At the top of the list for me was FEAR! Imagine that!! . . .FEAR. . . Fear of rejection, fear of being wrong, fear of being made fun of, the list goes on with the FEAR. . . there were other things as well, but FEAR is really what holds me back and probably what holds many people back from being all that God wants us to be. . .

What exactly am I afraid of? Some things I can name, others I can feel but are unable to name and well, there are those things out there that I just have not come to realize yet. . . I know that as I get older and have more experiences in the world, read more about the social issues of the world, etc. I am becoming less afraid of talking about issues, advocating, asking for monetary gifts for ministry. THIS IS GOOD!!

What does God expect of me as a follower of Jesus? I'm still trying to figure that out and attempt to everyday. I remember hearing about The Great Commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself and the Great Commission: Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them. . . many many times. Given that these are the essential parts of the faith, how does one put them into action??

During our social ministry team meeting this evening and discussed some of the ways to become more socially aware of our neighbors. Members in our group are giving prayful consideration to a commitment of 30 weeks of 2.5 hour meetings to development a community of socially minded people and how we can be a more present powerful voice for those who are not able to. I think this is a good start. . .

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