Thursday, April 7, 2011

My political rantings. . .

It's early and before work, but I thought I would try to write now instead of later when my brain seems to be really tired. So the Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice election is over and it seems that Kloppenburg has claimed victory. I must say that I am happy about this as I don't want to see everyone's collective bargaining rights taken away. It's scary enough that the budget repair bill has eliminated tooooo many jobs and is forcing people to pay thousands of dollars each year for their pension and healthcare when they haven't planned for it. There has to be a better or different way. I'm a public employee, work for a school district, serving little kids who have disabilities, and I'll tell you it's not just 5 days a week for about 36 weeks. I bring my work home. . . .ok, see I can feel my blood boil a bit . . . . calm calm. . . .what I am afraid of is the millions of people old, young, middle class whose lifestyles will change drastically. . . perhaps losing their home, losing their job, losing their insurance. . . the list goes on and on. It really feels like the rich will be getting richer and the poor? Well, really who cares about them? (That's total sarcasm!) I've had people tell me that this whole budget thing isn't going to affect them!! REALLY!! How can it not affect you? I don't care who you are, it'll affect you. The school district I work in has a 97% poverty rate, the city I live in has a 57% poverty rate. It's going to affect us. . . .the students, the teachers, the custodians. . . . This morning's headlines said that the school board has approved 130 job cuts from our school district. That's disastrous!! Public education is the last place that children can raise themselves out of poverty and become productive citizens in society! And now that is disappearing. . . I'm afraid for Wisconsin and afraid for what will happen in other states as a result. . . Lot's on my mind. . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! (From a state employee in Florida who is dealing with the same thing...)