Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Here are some more protest pictures

I think (actually I know) I'm glad that I didn't post anything while the protests were going on. Why? Well, because I think I might have blown up on the blog. . . I really don't want to offend anyone, but I DO feel it's important to be able to have and state an opinion. There were many a conversation had that included topics around friends and family not talking because of the differences in opinion. I really don't want to be that way! What I have been continually asking myself throughout these past few months is "Who benefits from this bill?" I surely know who will be hurt with the passing of this bill and it will be millions of people.

I feel my blood boiling just a bit remembering all the media talking about all of the "union thugs" that have been living high off the hog in WI. HELLO!! Okay, I'll stop, get off the soap box, remember I don't want to offend anyone~ Keep calm. . . .

In short, I think the 14 DEMS did a damn good thing leaving the state and camping out in Illinois so that this bill could explode and be brought out into the public the way it was. This is what my tax dollars are spent on and believe well spent! Here is a video that I took (I did take many, just not all turned out the greatest) from one evening at the capital. (I've tried twice to upload video without success! I'll try again after school)

I'll post some more great pictures tomorrow from when the 14 dems came back to the capital. The crowds were 100,000+ people! And not ONE incident!

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