Saturday, June 19, 2010

so many things to talk about - how about shooting stars or satellites?

We had an eventful day. Madison's farmers market, the apple store twice, picked up projects for the kids at Joann's, and purchased the new Andover fabric line, The Very Series from Eric Carle. Lots and lots to discuss. But I will share the end of day. I decided that it was a beautiful night and Fenric (that's the dog) was running around like a crazy dog and needed some exercise. So I put on my running apparel and when I got out my shoes, of course Fenric starts jumping 5 feet off the ground, I donned them, stretched and we ran 2 miles, actually 1.75 miles, but close enough to two. We had a good run, just enough of a breeze, still light out, etc. etc. We get home and are recouperating in the backyard with water and I see a small light traveling at a pretty quick rate of speed moving the sky. I said to the hubby, is that a satellite? of course it's not, it has to be an airplane. No, a satellite, then we say what looked like a very big reflection happen for maybe two seconds and then went back to its initial state while moving through the sky. Very weird. I think it was an alien space ship looking for a friendly place to land and just happened to be flying over our town. It was pretty wierd and it was definitely not a plane. Until the next alien ship siting. . . . .
Lori's fancy signature

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