Sunday, June 20, 2010

i'm still up, does it count?

I'm still up, does it count for today? Sunday? I had to get homework submitted and have been diligently working on my Project III for most of the evening. GEEZ! One more project to go and then onward to Leadership and Ethics! WOW! I wonder what the content of that class will be?

Anyway, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all you daddies out there in cyberspace! My girls had a good time with their daddy today! First worship, then a fun lunch, opening silly gifts and a serious one or two! The girls gave mosquito nets in honor of their dad to people Africa. That is worth a few lives and is important for all involved, the receivers as well as the givers! Thanks be to God! It was beautiful and sunny, not to hot, just right for Father's Day!
Lori's fancy signature

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