Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last day of school for the girls

So today was the last day of school for the princesses. I think with the end of things, comes a little anxiety. The routine changes, things are not going to be the same for the next few days and then we begin again. Kids really do WANT routine and when it's not provided, they get lost. I am finding that to be SO true. I am done Friday at 11:30, we have a week off and then the girls start summer school, so there will be routine again for a while. THis is good!

I have to share a funny from tonight! As usual, I leave before the kids go to school. I'm not always around for the final packing of the lunches, backpacks, etc. So tonight we are all sitting saying our prayers and Miss B. shouts out that Kidist forgot her lunch today, not her whole lunch, but her sandwich. She remembered to pack her fruit snacks, fruit, water, crunchy food, but left her sandwich in the frig! I don't know why, but I found that hilarious. Kidist didn't. So fast forward, we are saying the Lord's Prayer as usual, and we come to "Lord, give us our daily bread" and I can't stop laughing. I just had this funny vision of Kidist opening her lunch and realizing she forgot her sandwich, or daily bread. And to top it off, it was her last day of school. She's been doing this for 179 days, today would have been 180, but she forgot!! So of course, I start laughing, Bayat begins to laugh and then Bond too! Geez. . . . it caught my funny bone for just a brief moment. So after some laughter and some drama, Kidist got to finish her prayers and all went nighty night!

Remember children, to pack your daily bread that the Lord giveth!
Lori's fancy signature

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