Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New friends ~ new fears (not really, well. . . just a little)

The girls have made a new little girlfriend, Sarah, the girl next door. She is the granddaughter of our neighbors. Sarah and her little brother and mom are visiting for three weeks. So we introduced them to each other and right away they starting riding their bikes up and down the sidewalks. . . very cute. Sarah just graduated from training wheels so this makes me feel a little better.

So today, we get home from summer school and it's right away, "Mommy, can we go play with our friend?" "Sure" I say . . . next thing you know it's raining and I can't hear them anymore. So of course being the good mom, I walk next door to see how everything is going and it's going just fine.

A first for mommy! Letting the kids out of my sight for just a little while!! YIKES!! So, we exchanged phone numbers and the kids (all 4)are happily watching Snow Buddies, yes, I know it's summer!
Lori's fancy signature

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