Tuesday, July 21, 2009

COC - Certificate of Citizenship - Check

OMG - Oh My Goodness, what a bunch of paperwork. . . get ready for some rambling . . .

It was amazing that the girls SSN's came in record time, like a 4 day turn around time. Let's see if that can happen at the USCIS office in Milwaukee!!

So this has been a grueling process, just gathering paperwork! I tell you I feel like I should be traveling back to Ethiopia to pick up another child or two! But really, this is the piece that makes me the happiest. That the girls will have U.S. citizenship and can never be deported! (I'm smiling now!)

So after filling out an eight page application (one for each of the kids I remind you) I had to gather and make duplicate copies of the following:

~ permanent resident card (remember that one I talked about having an exp. date?)
~ readoption certificate and proof of legal name change
~ birth certificate and/or U.S. passport for mommy**
~ birth certificate and/or U.S. passport for daddy**
** we sent both just to cover ourselves
~ front page of both kids passports
~ visa - stating which kind, you know there are a few (IR3 or IR4)
~ marriage certificate
~ driver's license for both mommy and daddy
~ both kids foreign birth certificate with certified translations
~ both kids final adoption decree with certified translations
~ Wisconin certificate of birth facts - we sent this just as another form of ID, etc.
AND FINALLY that icky money order for WAY TOO MUCH MONEY ~ But like I said before, it's the one last thing that will make me the happiest!

So tomorrow I will take it to the post office and send it certified mail requesting a return receipt so that I KNOW they received it. Thanks be to God that one more long, time consuming and what I think is a crazy process is just about finished!!
Lori's fancy signature

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