Friday, July 10, 2009

4th of July Weekend

The girls really like to see grandma and grandpa so when we told them we were going to the cabin and that they were going to be there, the girls start to jump up and down and giggle with excitement because not only were they going to see the grandparents, but we were going to the cabin!!

It was a nice time. We arrived Thursday and left Saturday, grandma and grandpa and friends, Jim and Mary, arrived Friday afternoon. We gave up our room for the 'guests' and so the girls and Bond and I slept on an airmattresss in the three season room (as close to camping as well will probably get). But the girls loved it. The girls chased Fenric around, we ran 1 mile, made a variety of suncatchers, painted kind as well as translucent made with some colorful beads) ate smores around the fire and found lots of ticks!! YUK! Oh yea, we ate, ate and ate some more! Food is an important thing up at the cabin. It always seems that all dietary habits known to any of us before arriving at the gate, leave and don't come back until after returning to the 'real' world!

Bayat by the fire.

daddy and Kidist

the girls tending the fire

We came home on Saturday because our church had a picnic at a local park and we wanted to be part of that too. Bond also had to work on Sunday, so it was probably helpful that we let him do some sermon prep on Saturday :-)

We stayed and watched the fireworks after dinner and games. The girls remember last year (their first fireworks) but this year was cool in that the girls have so much more language. So they were saying, 'awesome','wow', 'cool', 'mommy did you see that?' Last year the girls didn't really have much language so this year it was really neat to hear what they thought.
Lori's fancy signature

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