So it's NaBloPoMo for December. I've got very little homework, and well I don't know that I'll be able to post everyday as I will be out of the country from December 26 until Jan. . . perhaps I can con my hubby into posting for me. . .
So we'll see. . . School update: The doctoral manuscript has been submitted to the printer and hopefully I'll be receiving three nicely bound books with my name as the author. The topic: Spirituality and Health and Spiritual-Well Being. . . Deep huh?? Not so much. . . I'm looking forward to it being all done so that I can get on with some of lifes more fun occupations: quilting, reading, baking, etc. . . .
So we'll see what we can do for December daily posts! Oh yea the topic is Zeitgeist. . . can you figure it out. . . .hum! i'll post more about that tomorrow!
1 comment:
Congrats on completing your manuscript!!! A huge accomplishment. You must feel oh so good! Looking forward to your December blog posts!!
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