Monday, September 14, 2009

Bad Blogger, I know. . .

I know, I know. . .
BAD BLOGGER! Sorry, it's busy at my house, I don't know about you, but I'm having a hard time finding some time to sit and upload pictures and comments at the current chaotic time!
For being a second year mom and dad I think we are doing pretty darn good. The girls are getting up in the morning and we send them to school clean and fed, with lunch in hand, backpack on shoulder containing take home folder and whatever homework they may have had from the previous night. The come home and they are fed a snack, play outside for a while, eat dinner and get ready for bed. Sometimes a story, depends on the level of chaoticness around here!
Bond is his usual busy self and me? Well just trying to keep up. With what? Everything? Work, the house, school, the kids school! Please, I ask you, please, don't just drop on over to visit, because you may never know what shape you might find my house! And we might not even be home!
So for now, this will have to do. I feel somewhat "caught up" in my readings for school so perhaps on Friday night I'll make time to post some pictures! Since I won't have to get up at o' dark hundred for work! Why Friday and not sooner, well, I have a few projects I have to finish for school with a Thursday deadline and Friday reflection. So if I'm successful in that endeavor, I'll post on Friday! Again, can stay up a little later :-)
Lori's fancy signature

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