Monday, May 18, 2009

Fenric follows the girls to school! What a Monday morning!

The funny for the day. First of all, the gate to the backyard was left open (i think it was me, but don't tell anyone). So anyway, we are all running a little late this morning and finally daddy and the girls are out the door, getting in the car and going to school. About two minutes later, I hear Bond coming in through the back door! hummmmmmm. . . . . . . "What's going on?" I think to myself. Well, when Bond drove out of the garage to take the girls to school, guess who took off out of the gate to follow? If you guessed Fenric, you are correct! Fenric was running right out in the middle of the street and around the front of the car. Bond had to back up the car, while Fenric is still following, to bring the good doggie back home. I guess he really wanted to go with the girls today! Or maybe he really didn't want to stay home. We'll never know will we?
Lori's fancy signature

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