Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wild Wednesday

So I'm a little late!! So here is the picture of the day! Mommy with both Kidist and Bayat and of course our beloved dog, Fenric! Who just loves when my hair goes in a ponytail and the running shoes come out!!
Since the weather has been trying to be nice, Fenric and I try to run a few times a week. Well, the girls are wanting to go too! But they can't keep up with the dynamic duo (ha ha), so I've been taking Fenric first and then coming home, catching my breath and then running about 1 mile with the girls! At a much slower pace, but we get it done :-)

So Wednesday while getting ready, it was all about the fashion. Mind you, not for me but for the girls. As you can see, I don't really mind what I wear running as I take into consideration weather, wind, temperature, etc. But the girls have to find clothes that match my clothes, so it was finding brown pants and an orange shirt!! That was almost tricky, but we were successful in finding them the 'proper' running gear!! Brown pants with an orange shirt! So when summer comes, they will have to find different clothes.

So for the record, the girls ran approximately 1.2 miles with me yesterday!! Watch out for the Summer Olympics come 2020!! My girls will be ready!
Lori's fancy signature

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