Monday, December 8, 2008

Long Week~

So we've been home a while from the week up north deer hunting and NO, I've not posted!! Sorry . . . . It's been quite a week getting back into routines and food schedules, sleep schedules, etc. . . . . Who would have thought a week off would create such chaos!!

So a quick update, deer hunting was a success. Bond a doe, Gale, aka grandpa, a buck (I won't list how many points) and me??? Well . . . . I don't want to brag or anything, but yes, I captured an 11 point buck on opening day!:-) Yes, I am smiling. . . . But I did require my husbands help to complete the harvest. . .(Do you hear a story coming?) Another time. The girls had a good time and we had our first Thanksgiving as a family. It was good. I'll write more when I have more than a few moments. I do have pictures too, but hello download pictures and rearrange them~ Definitely another day! Sorry. . . . . .

Perhaps this weekend! That's all folks!
Lori's fancy signature

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