Sunday, October 12, 2008

Recyclable Pet??

You ask?? What is a pet made of recyclables?? Well, Kidist has these monthly family projects. We don't know what they are until the project sheet is sent home. For the month of October we had to make a Recycleable Pet, OK a pet made of recyclables.

FIRST, we had to define "pet" and what kind of animals were family pets. Ok, that was pretty easy. Then we had to decide what kind of pet we were going to make and out of what recyclable materials we were going to make it!! That was a bit more challenging. . . . . . .

We decided on a FISH. . . A clown FISH. . . . From Finding Nemo! That's right!

Material List:
Dawn dish detergent bottle, empty of course
Red Baron pizzabox cardboard for fins
Adhesive: that would be good ole' masking tape in my house
Googly eyes: not recycled, but HELLO, Fish have eyes!!
Recycled art material: orange paper and some orange felt with glitter left over from mommy's art project from a few years ago!!


ABOVE: Kidist with recycled pet~

Pretty Cool HuH?? I know . . .I better stick to quilting. . . I do a much better job with cutting big pieces of fabric into small pieces and then arranging them and resewing them together to make something meaningful. . . .
Lori's fancy signature

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