Sunday, August 17, 2008


Seems as though when I browse the internet these days I always end up at a website revolving around the hunger issue! I'm not sure I'm sorry about that, I just am trying to figure out what to do with it. I mean, I end up there, I wonder what that means and is it a SIGN. A sign? For what? To do what? I don't know. I support ELCA World Hunger and I know that there are many other organizations that work on global hunger as well. It seems to me that if the world does indeed make enough food to feed the world, well. . . . . then we ought to be feeding everyone!! Don't you think?

So let's see. . . . here is a source that talks about food production and supply and demand. It states that [For most of the past 50 years food production has outpaced rising demand. World population has doubled since World War II, but food production has tripled] but in regard to food distribution, well. . . . . [Food security could be improved for millions of people if food from countries with a surplus were better distributed to countries where there are food deficits—that is, countries that do not produce enough food to meet domestic needs. The international trade system, however, works against the ability of poor countries to meet their food needs with imports. Isn't this sad!!

Ok, I'm kind of on a roll and when I hear week after week about loving your neighbor as yourself. . . . AGAIN. . . . HUMMMMM. . . . .

Just to leave you with some images. . . . .

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