Saturday, July 19, 2008

New blog!!

So this is my first post for our Haldeman family blog! It's just a way to keep family and friends updated on the happenings of our family. We created a blog when we began our adoption journey. So now I thought it might just be nice to have one for our family. The girls are home and there is nothing to 'be careful' with any longer. My hope is to post weekly and to include pictures as well! We'll see how that works! Thanks for reading and welcome!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

How old were your girls when you adopted them? I was curious, but I couldn't find the blog with "the call" and info on what age you adopted. ha ha Yea I am spending way too many hours vicariously reading about "the call". Also, I am probably going to be matched with older children, so I wondered.