Friday, July 25, 2008

Visits: Dentist and Doctor

So this week was a week of fun and adventure for the girls. We went to the dentist on Tuesday and the doctor on Thursday. They did especially well at the dentist!! Were better troopers than some adults I know (HUMMMM, their daddy, shhhhh. . . .) and the doctor was a piece of cake! We have two very healthy little girls! We are very thankful for that.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Little Further Explanation

Shortly after our arrival home, I (Bond) was anticipating celebrating with Kidist and Bayat their Ethiopian roots, and I was introducing to them some ways to think about and claim that rich heritage, calling them, "Abyssinian Princesses," and "Queens of Sheba."

From that it seems to have been a slippery slope to what you find below. Cartoon characters! See what trouble alliteration can bring you!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

pulchritudinous?? what does it mean?

HUMMM.......................... trying to figure out what this word means??

pulchritudinous (adj.) characterized by or having great physical beauty and appeal.

I was trying to come up with a fun and different name and happened to come across this really long difficult and kind of funky word. But it does work with princess doesn't it?? So there it is: Pulchiritudinous princesses!! This is your new word for the day.

New blog!!

So this is my first post for our Haldeman family blog! It's just a way to keep family and friends updated on the happenings of our family. We created a blog when we began our adoption journey. So now I thought it might just be nice to have one for our family. The girls are home and there is nothing to 'be careful' with any longer. My hope is to post weekly and to include pictures as well! We'll see how that works! Thanks for reading and welcome!