Tuesday, March 20, 2012

To blog or not!! That is the question. . . .

So I've not posted since July 2011. Facebook happened and it's easier and faster and it seems everyone is THERE!! I just stumbled upon a friend's blog, she is just starting one about her family, and I decided to look at my own! Pretty pathetic I must admit. I know I've rambled in the past about this very topic and well. . . wonder what others think or are doing? Are you still blogging, or do you just use FB? I initially created this for family because we live away from everyone! But there are phones, this is the 21st century and is it my job to keep everyone posted about everything?? UGH~ Then there is the debate about what to put on the blog? Pictures of cute growing children, rantings of political things, because God knows we here in Wisconsin have plenty to rant about, or just everyday ramblings. I think I was more excited about it when it was all about the firsts, the first sprinker, the first tooth lost, the first home cooked Ethiopian meal, the first bike ride. I think you get the picture! So I am trying to decide whether or not to keep attempting to post, or just give up, close it down and just use FB! Does anyone read blogs anymore??