And because I've tried to blog for an entire month (and have not succeeded yet), I receive an email from NaBloPoMo with April's theme. It's SPROUT. Yes SPROUT! So I'm going to attempt to blog again. At least I have lots of good pictures and material to talk about from the past two months. . . Lots of things have sprouted in my household from school doings, to politics, to freedom of speech, learning new protest songs, reading good books, etc. etc. . . .So I will meagerly attempt to blog again each day for the month of April. Since it seems that everyone on the planet needs some type of incentive to do something, complete a project, behave like you are supposed to, should I dangle a "carrot" ,if you will, as an incentive to blog everyday in the month of April. If you have any suggestions, I'd be glad to humor them!! So until April 1st. . . .One more day of March!